Old Dogs: Grieving the Loss of Miss Millie
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I am sad to break the news that we lost Millie on Tuesday, May 13th. Overall, she was feeling pretty good for an old dog even up to the end. Just that morning, I watched Millie from my office window as she walked around under the apple trees following a scent trail of some sort. The only thing out of the ordinary was she was sleeping more during the day. It was while she was sleeping that she experienced a seizure. We ran her to our vet but it was clear that it was Millie’s time to go. So we said our goodbyes and then she was gone.
When Millie came to us, she was not expected to be around long (Learn more about Millie and her health issues here). Our vet said that we probably had around 6-months to enjoy her company. We were blessed to have Millie with us for 2.5 years. Even though we knew Millie’s time with us would be brief, there’s no real way to prepare for the pain of losing a loved one, no matter how much you think you’re ready.
Anyone who has lost a beloved pet will know what I mean when I say it is the everyday routines that are the most difficult. Each movement in the house is a reminder that Millie is no longer with us. From getting up in the morning to let her outside, to feeding time, to the medications we needed to give her at certain times of the day. All reminders of how our lives intertwined each day and the void that is left behind now that she is gone.

Although we will always miss Millie, we have begun the process of readjusting and healing. Often times we find ourselves discussing her amusing quirks and personality. Mostly, we talk about how lucky we were to have Millie share a brief moment of our lives.
Rest in Peace, Sweet Miss Millie.
I’m so sorry for your loss and hope you’ll find some peace that she’s not in pain and had good life with you. I’ve been doing animal rescue for 8 yrs now, and losing furballs is the hardest part of it.
I’m sorry. I looked for Maggie for a long time, thought I saw her from time to time, and could swear I still hear her bark, but it’s been almost four years. We’ll lose her son soon.
Millie was as fortunate to have you as you were to have her. Take care. (hugs)
I’m so sorry to hear this. As you said, you were blessed to have known Millie for the time you did. I still miss my sweet Jessie, and she’s been gone for 10 years now.
Losing a beloved pet is so hard – I’m very sorry, Rachel.
So sad – I’ve been there. Unfortunately it is always the price we end up paying for the joy a pet brings
I’m so sorry. I always found the garden especially hard after my last dog died as she was always with me there.